eZDatacenter ENTRY-ECO

  • Application: Server-oriented
  • Usage : Customers requiring carbon neutrality, such as government offices and large enterprises
  • Characteristic : (★★★★★ World Best Eco-friendly)


1. Heat Exchanger, an eco-friendly cooling unit, added to the top of the Entry model

2. Eco-friendly technology using only external cold air energy

3. model optimized for carbon dioxide reduction (90% power saving compared to HVAC)

4. Control and cooling redundancy ensures service survivability [Optional] 

5. Sealed design minimizes failure due to external influences (dust, temperature, humidity, etc.)

6. Remote monitoring: temperature, humidity, power usage, etc.

7. Physical security: door opening after 6-digit password authentication

8. Sesimic isolator: protects the equipment from earthquakes [optional]

International standards
Rack Unit22 U
Cooling Unit
Cooling capacity
18,000 BTU
Temperature setting range
68 ℉ ~ 93.2 
Use environment
Less than 113 ℉ degrees
55 Decibels or less (depending on the environment used)
Heat ExchangerMore than 5,000 BTU
Rated voltage
220V (110V) / Single Phase
Current of consumption
Max 10A
Safety feature
Automatically open the door before the internal temperature reaches a critical level.
OptionFire extinguisher/ UPS / KVM Switch / Remote Monitoring / Fault Tolerance / Seismic isolator 
Dimension2,000(H) * 700 (W) * 1,150 (D)

마이크로 데이터 센터 / 쿨링랙 / 방음랙 / 냉방랙 / 냉각랙 / 항온항습랙 / 탄소중립 데이터센터