> Before
- defenseless against dust, poor conditions, and non-accreditor access
- Branch offices use rental offices, and have difficulties in securing space
- It is difficult to invest infrastructure for small amount of computer equipment
- The branch office does not have a person in charge of computing, and there are difficulties in managing it
- The central manager wants to know the situation for each branch office
- He wants to take precautions before problems arise
> After
- Space cost was zeroed out by utilizing empty space in the archives
- The micro data center has reduced operating costs by 80%
- Micro data centers improve dust and poor environment and control unauthorized access
- It is possible to identify the situation of the branch office through central control and take preemptive measures
> Specification
- Model : #Micro_Data_Center Entry
- Option : Fire extinguisher , #MicroDataCenter Monitoring Solution
- Quantity : OO
> Before
- Stability is a top priority with highway toll-counting services
- The amount of loss is huge when the service is stopped. (10 min : US$ 4,XXX)
- Equipment room temperature increases up to 55 ℃ (131 ℉) Celsius during hot weather.
- Not only fine dust, but also temperature sensitive throughout all seasons.
> After
- #Fault_Tolerance : The redundancy of the cooling unit and controller allows for the fault.
- Preventive measures can be taken by monitoring the temperature of the equipment room centrally.
- It is completely sealed to the inlet of the network cable and power cable.
> Specification
- Model : #MicroDataCenter Entry & Quiet Office
- Option : #Fault_Tolerance, #MicroDataCenter Monitoring Solution
- Quantity : OO
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